Peshawar Massacre

We have never collected that huge amount of sympathies we collected on Peshawar massacre. A lot has been said and written, I shouldn't have chosen this topic for my monthly blog, but the incident was gut wrenching and the consequences were huge, so I had to write something about this.

This isn't the first time Peshawar has bled, but this was an increase in the long list of tragic incidents Peshawar has seen in the recent time.

147 boys along with their teachers were killed in day light in provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa. The incident got worldwide coverage. Many leaders and celebrities around the world shown their concern and sympathies on this incident.

Young Victims of Peshawar Attack
The responsibility of the incident was claimed by Taliban, but Hafiz Saeed and Hameed Gul kind of people argued that these couldn't be Taliban but they tried to find Indian conspiracy behind this incident.

Ironically, a two minutes silence was observed in all Indian schools next morning to show solidarity to the victims and their families.
Indian schoolchildren observe a two-minute silence for victims killed in a Taliban attack.
On one hand the world stood beside us on the other hand Taliban apologist among us are not ready to condemn Taliban on this brutal and inhumane act. The Taliban apologists say that this act of Taliban was the reaction of drone attacks. That is no more than bullshit, we know that not a single family member of suicide attacker of Wahga border was ever been killed in drone attack or in any army operation.

We need to understand the Ideology behind their movement. They want to change a Muslim majority country into Islamic republic.

Being a Pakistani citizens we don't have many choices, either choose to be a Taliban and their apologist or become their opponent and be ready to become victim of their gut wrenching coward activities.

Just three days earlier the TTP head Mullah Fazalullah has released his video message and repeated that he has carried Peshawar attack because the Army Public school was training camp of Army, How Childish! carrying such coward activities and not having any solid reason to justify these coward attacks. He further added that he is planning much worse that people will forget this one.


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