Bacha Khan's Death Anniversary

January 20th of 2016 is death anniversary of one of my favorite personality Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan aka Bacha Khan, the man who has influenced me to great extent by his great work, and fortunately he is not religious figure rather a political and Peace keeping activist.

It blows my thoughts that how difficult it would be or even impossible it would be to tell and convince someone to treat rightfully their women, and to settle differences among tribesman, and to let their daughters get education in early 1900, and if you have to convince Pashtuns you will have surely need guts to do so, even today I have found it much difficult to convince Pashtuns to vaccinate their children in order to prevent Polio. Bacha Khan did convince them on plenty of issues in early 1900 when people were much narrow minded and were more affected by conspiracy theories than today.
Bacha Khan's portrate by Khudai Khidmatgar Hamdullah Arbab of Jalalabad
Bacha Khan has huge impact on Pashtun’s history few lines like these will add nothing to his greatness. I have not mentioned Bacha Khan in my blog so far, but the reason of remembering him on his death anniversary is that how many more years will we take to understand his lesson of harmony, brotherhood, and living peacefully.

Another significant thing to mention is that exactly on this very same day, the University named after Great Bacha Khan in Charsadah is attacked by the evil forces Taliban, and they have martyred 24 students including 2 teachers, attack on the university named after Bacha Khan and that to on his death anniversary gives us a lesson that the enemies of Pashtuns are still trying to deprive us to thought ourselves as it was Bacha Khan’s deep desire.

It is not even the first time that an education institution is being targeted and students are being shoot to death, one incident exactly as this one took place back in 16 December 2014, one Army Public School was targeted by evil Taliban under the nose of Army, and then enormous outrage by general public force Government and Security Forces to take some cautionary and containing measures against these religious fanatics, as a result they made National Action Plane (NAP) to eradicate religious extremism and armed struggle throughout country, but despite taking some measures in beginning and detaining some sectarian Leaders such as Malik Ishaq and Aurangzeb Farooqi of terrorist outfit Lashkar e Jhangvi the NAP didn’t seem effective latter. The NAP as whole didn’t work to eradicate extremism or may be the implementers of NAP are not honest with their duties.

I wouldn’t have mentioned morons like Malik Ishaq and Aurangzeb Farooqi in blog together with great peace activist Bacha Khan, If morons like them hadn’t martyred innocent students and teachers in Bacha Khan University in Charsadah.


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