My ever changing musical Choices

Whenever, My Big Bro listen to my musical choices on my laptop, a reaction comes up in form of scolding and anger or more often with a request to play “Good music” or at least the music his ears bear to listen. Beside the respect and love I have in my heart for him I mostly refuse him in this regard due to his limited knowledge about music and his limited choices.

I am the one who has huge musical choices. The singers I started listening first, was few famous Pakistani Pop singers (Haroon Rashid, Fakhir Mahmood, Sajjad Ali, Ali Haidar etc), when private Fm music channels started broadcasting for the first time back in 2003, 2004. Those channels not only gave the noble opportunity to their listener to listen to some good music but to make musical choices via calls and sms services.
Haroon Rashid

Fakhir Mehmood

I guess I was student of 7th or 8th class. One of my finest memories of that time is that I used to complete school homework while listening to music on Fm channels. 

People with various taste of music used to make various choices and listening to those choices is one of finest memory I have of that great old days.

With the passage of time I found myself liking classical music in year 2005 & 2006. The classical era of my musical taste was not that long but considerably amazing. Listening to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan in those days was my hobby. In the year 2008 my musical choices extended further and I started liking English songs with beats of well arranged musical instruments and little understandings of lyrics, Akon, Enrique Iglesias, Massari, Lowky, Edward Maya, Arsene, Arash etc used to fill my ears those days.

Pashtu Classical tracks in year 2011 became my choices, and I started listening to one of great known Pashtu singer Obaidullah Jan Kandahari, whose voice has tighten his grip on the Pashtu speaking communities of the world since his tragic departure from this world in first quarter of 1980’s during Afghan civil war. So far I am listening to him and it seems that Pashtu Classical music tracks have spent more time in my mobile’s music library than any other sort of music. That wave of Classical Pashtu music also introduced other fine singers of the era, such as Rauf Kandahari, Ustad Shah Wali, Ustad Awalmir Jan, Rahim Ghamzada etc.

The remarkable think is that I never listened to Pashtu Classical music that curiously before, I used to think that Pashtu music isn’t worth listening to. That thinking of mine was a result of what I came across during my daily life, whenever I got the chance of listening to the regional Pashtu music tracks; it never got attention of mine. The fact is that Pakistan’s Pashtu speaking community has never produced such big names as their counter parts in Afghanistan. When I slowly found about the Afghanistan’s Pashtu singers my thoughts about Pashtu music changed gradually with the knowing. I can guess another change in my musical choices these days but that is slight I guess.  

From Right to Left Zahir Howaida, Ahmad Wali & last one is Ustad Madadi.
With the ever changing musical choices of mine I have started listening Persian songs of Ahmad Zahir, Ahmad Wali, Zahir Howaida, Ustad Madadi etc.


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