Sectarian Killings in Quetta

      I have spent 22 years of my life in Quetta, with a single escape of 5 days trip out of city to Lahore back in 2009.

In fact spending the rest of my life here has grown a love for this city in my heart, and the demand of this love is to appreciate all those who work for the betterment of this city in any way and discourage all those who add hatred in any way to this city. 

When I start separating unpleasant things related to this city out of my memories it comes with the Emal Kasi hand overing to America and receiving his corpse back, and then the role back of Taliban government in Afghanistan deeply impacted city that triggered violence in city, proceed by the Nawab Akbar Bugti murder by Musharaf lead govt, proceed then by the abducting of Baluchs by the same government, and now the biggest threat to the city is sectarian killings by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists. 

Innocent Hazaras are though their first Victim but Lashker-e-Jhangvi's latest activities are against Various Law enforcing agencies, including Police and Frontier Corps, So far the biggest threat to the city is sectarian killings. 

In their latest activities they martyred 35 Police personals including SHO city Police station Mohibullah Daavi DIG operation Fayaz Sunbal and many other police officers. Imagine a Police officer just a day before Eid took his four sons for Eid shopping and he is shoot to death at the door step in front of his sons brutally, and a devil followers still try to Justify their killings in the name of religion. 
Mohibullah Daavi with his colleague during his duties for UN in Africa.

Mohibullah Daavi during his duties for UN in Africa.
There aim behind targeting Law enforcement agencies is that they want free hands and they are trying to remove all those who in any way are not letting them fulfill their duty for "Nobel Cause" of killing innocents just because they are having different religious thoughts.

Afghan Hazara people hold a demonstration to protest against the killing of their ethnic people in Quetta of Pakistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Oct. 7, 2011.


            Lashkar-e- Jhangvi's activities have forced people to migrate from this city, even my 5 Hazara friends have left for Australia, you can't bear to spend a life in a city where you fear to be killed every next moment.


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