
Showing posts from 2015

My views on Paris Attacks

These are my views on Paris attacks, and replies of my Friends to it...   Replies of my Friends were ambiguous as expected.... A good Friend of mine Abdul  Nafeh sarcastically pointed me, and received my reply... Its really hard to have your own views on certain things in Land of Pures (Pakistan) and if your views is liberal and differs from majority than hardships awaits you, I am glad that I said what i have to and stood by my sayings...


  If you have mourned the demise of Hamid Gul enough and are in your nerves now, I would like you to have some words for Shuja Khanzadah. The two giants fallen within the time span of one week, but in totally different ways, the former died due to brain hemorrhage the latter died in the line of duty. Hamid Gul God knows had blooded his hands with how many innocent lives. One shouldn’t forget that he was among the main architectures of Zia-ul-Haq’s draconian doctrine. That is hunting public of Pakistan todate.  Isn’t it confusing for Pseudo Patriots that those who flourished under Zia and Hamid Gul’s supervision have martyred Shujah Khanzadah, but to many of us Hamid Gul is hero; and Shujah Khanzadah is man like many other killed in the line of duty. Some are praising Hamid Gul for his Pan Islamist Ideologies and his services for Muslim Umah. I would say that  are they out of their minds? There is nothing for any in service man (specially for ISI chief) like Muslim Umah , peo

د افغانستان او د پاکستان اړيکې

يار چې ماشوم وي د هندوانو په شان مينه کوي چې را لوی شي نو افغان شي رانه کلی بيل کړي نه پوهيږم چې پاکستان کې ميشت ولسونه او د افغانستان ولس په څه دليل دښمنۍ پالي۔ آيا دواړه غاړې عام ولس وږي نه دي؟ بې اختياره او بې واکه نه دي؟ دواړه غاړې ولسونه به تر قيامته ګاونډيان يا يو بل پورې تړلي نه وي؟  بل خوا هند او پاکستان هم په اصطلاح دښمنان دي، پوځي جنګونه يې سره راغلي، دواړو اټومي بمونه هم خوندي کړي خو بيا يې هم ليکوالان، فلمي هنرمندان، سندرغاړي، سوداګر، شاعران يو له بل سره ډيرې ژورې او تلپاتې اړيکې پالي، ستر ستر سيمينارونه او غونډې جوړوي، هند او پاکستان تر منځ د ستونزو په اړه بحثونه کوي او د حل لارې يې څاري۔  هند او پاکستان تر منځ د مدني ټولنو رول د ستايلو وړ دی۔ د افغانستان او پاکستان دغه سيمې ولسونو تر منځ ولې دښمني؟  د هند او پاکستان مدني ټولنې د هندي توب په اساس يو له بل سره مينه کوي خو د افغانستان او پاکستان تر منځ ولسونه له يو بله دومره ليرې دي ته به وايي له بابا آدمه تر دې دمه او تر وروستي دمه همدې بې دليله دښمنی ته زيږول شوي۔   افغانستان او پاکست

په افغانستان کي دپاکستان لاس وهنه

وړمه ورځ د سهار د جومات ورسته طالب ولاړ سو٬ او د ملا صيب بي اجازه يي وينا پيل کړه ... ذما مسلمانانو وړونو جهاد پر موږ او تاسو داسی فرض دي لکه دا فرض لمونځ ......................................(وينا لا روانه وه).................... تاسو باید دا عقيده ونه ساتي چي په افغانستان کی روان جهاد ناروا دي..................................(وينا لا روانه وه)................. (ملا صيب نور وخت نکي ور او دعا تي لاس پورته کړل) الحمدلله الحمدلله ددا ليکنې لامل دادې چي نن هم په سپينه ورځ د پاکستان په جوماتونو کي په افغانستان کي د جنګيدو دپاره خلګ هڅول کيږي ........

Love to listen Country/Western Music

In love with country music since last two years, better than many things we listen in the name of music, the song writers who usually sings their own written songs leads you to think the way they want. The lyrics are usually mind blowing…. Beside a singing mountain stream Where the willow grew Where the silver leaf of maple Sparkled in the morning dew I braided twigs of willows Made a string of buckeye beads But flesh and blood needs flesh And blood And you're the one I need Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood And you're the one I need I leaned against a bark of birch And I breathed the honey dew I saw a North-bound flock of geese Against a sky of baby blue Beside the lily pads I carved a whistle from a reed Mother Nature's quite a lady But you're the one I need Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood And you're the one I need. A cardinal sang just for me And I thanked him for the song Then the sun went slowly down the west And I had to mov

Jihadists on Payroll

Are Jihadists on payroll of someone? Answer to this question can be either Yes or No. Whenever news of any Taliban commander or any Sectarian activist offering his services (for the sake of Jihad) to ISIL comes in front of me, it makes me doubtful about his faith. Jihad is often considered as something related to faith. Faith prey upon strict beliefs.Your belief and faith can't change over night. Jihadists changing their faith (by offering their services to another extremist group) that frequently are surely miss guided. Not every group to which extremists offer their services can be right guided, either Taliban or ISIL one of these two group will be on the right track. But it seems that Taliban are no more guided by right faith, cause those Jihadists who previously fought for Taliban are now converting and assembling under Abu-Bakar-Al-Baghdadi's ISIL.  Ironically Taliban were previously acclaimed as the Islamic and agreed Emarat, but now ISIL is getting thei

د غني خان د تخيل انتها......

د غني خان لوړ تخیل چې په انګلیسي کې ورته ایمجینیشن وائی   غني خان بابا یواځې زه باچا ومه په سر مې تاج د غم  په څنګ کې مې ولاړه وه مسکئ سترګی صنم د غني د تخیل بل مثال  د سیند سپینو شګو نه مې جوړ کړو یو محل  دی ټول خرګي جهان ورته حیران حیران کتل  بیا رنګ مې ورته ورکړو د خوبونو د شباب  قالین مې پکې خور کړو د سرو پاڼو د ګلاب  اوچت ئی دیوالونه و د سازونو د رباب 

Peshawar Massacre

We have never collected that huge amount of sympathies we collected on Peshawar massacre. A lot has been said and written, I shouldn't have chosen this topic for my monthly blog, but the incident was gut wrenching and the consequences were huge, so I had to write something about this. This isn't the first time Peshawar has bled, but this was an increase in the long list of tragic incidents Peshawar has seen in the recent time. 147 boys along with their teachers were killed in day light in provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa. The incident got worldwide coverage. Many leaders and celebrities around the world shown their concern and sympathies on this incident. Young Victims of Peshawar Attack The responsibility of the incident was claimed by Taliban, but Hafiz Saeed and Hameed Gul kind of people argued that these couldn't be Taliban but they tried to find Indian conspiracy behind this incident. Ironically, a two minutes silence was observed in all I

Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi SAW

"Whichever religion I might belong to,  I still believe in the merit of good deeds I am all praise for the valiant Haidar  I remember and glorify the name of Moh ammad I am indeed dependant on Mohammad Love is something which cannot be helped Mohammad does not belong to Muslims alone" - Kunwar Mohindar Singh Bedi (A Sikh poet) Happy Eid Milad un Nabi SAW, He came as mercy for mankind  not mercy for Muslims alone. copied from Facebook page Taliban are Oppressors - Zalimaan ...