
Showing posts from January, 2017

Year 2016 summed up in one Blog

Though I was committed to write a blog every month, but this commitment seems to be another addition to long list of unfulfilled commitments. In support of above stated thought I would say that I still have my new year resolution written on piece of white paper placed under my working table mirror, the table I work on for at least 7 hours every day, I used to take a glance on my new year resolution, But now I haven’t put my sight on the paper for quite a while because I know I have failed myself yet again. Weight loss was not on the list of things I had to do during this passing year, but it came in midway as my first marriage proposal was rejected in June. The reason can be anything, but a brother like friend Nazir Dawi from Kabul suggested that I should immediately get in shape or in other case I should be mentally prepared for rejection of many more marriage proposals. So during Ramadan I showed great willingness to losing some weight, I worked on it starting from finding wei